Thursday, December 7, 2006

Baby Elephant Walk

Is it just me or do Yasmin and I look like frickin serial killers with those manic smiles??
HEEHEE coming to get you... ^^
Awe, the chinky one is Yesmean, she's so adorable! She's the best!
I love these two to bits!
Will upload more pics later. xxo)))))

Bam Bam Bannow. Bam Bam Bannow Bannow Bow. Bam Bam Bannow. Bam Bam Bannow Bannow Bow.
HAHA. Hum this to the tune of Baby Elephant Walk.
HAHA I know this is random but i love that song!

Does anyone else think that I'm Not Okay (I promise) by My Chemical Romance is the most genius piece of artwork in the last century? Maybe I'm just in the Screamo mood. Hmph.

I hate Chemistry. It's so hard. I got 90% in my test. HUH?
I love Physics. It's interesting. I got 80 something in my test. WHADT?
I like Bio. 84%. Do these results look right to you?

I'm not upset by it. Just puzzled. Just when you think you have an idea of what you maybe be shining at, it fuzzles.

ANYWAY. OMG Pom Pom Galies next year.
"Boys are cheats and liars
They're such a big disgrace
They will tell you anything to get to second base
ball base ball, he thinks he's gonna score
If you let him go all the way then you are a whore-
ti cultural studies flowers, geologists study rocks,
the only thing a guy wants from you is a place to put his
cockroaches, beetles, butterflies and bugs,
nothing makes him happier than a giant pair of jug-
lers and acrobats and a dancing bear named chuck.
All guys really want to do is forget it, no such luck."
That's from d hot chick.It's the coolest little poem!
anyways. im gonna hit the sack.

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